Crypto Episodes

The latest news about crypto: currencies including Bitcoin and Ethereum, investing, blockchain technologies, NFTs, DAOs, and all the building blocks of Web3.
Jan. 21, 2022

Fri. 01/21 – Intel Bringing Silicon Back (To Ohio)

The trend of re-onshoring silicon production domestically and Intel’s turnaround plans collide in a way that is very good for Ohio. Twitter will let you NFT-up your profile picture. Google’s doing the AR headset thing too. That Apple education discount has gotten harder to spoof. And of course, the…
Jan. 20, 2022

Thu. 01/20 – Meta Wants To Bring NFTs To Your Insta Profile

Meta is working on NFTs for Instagram and Facebook while Google is starting a blockchain team. Instagram Subscriptions launches. Google Play Games launches on Windows. Amazon launches its first physical fashion store. And why, by this summer, you will only be able to pay the IRS your taxes online b…
Jan. 13, 2022

Thu. 01/13 – China To Do NFT’s, Minus The Blockchain

Apple indeed is removing Wordle clones, but PUBG sues them for NOT removing what they allege are clones of their game. Does Google Analytics run afoul of GDPR? China is going to do NFTs, NOT on the blockchain. And will the new Nuro bot bring me my burrito?
Jan. 3, 2022

Mon. 01/03 – NFTs On Smart TVs?

CES kicks off with some major Samsung TV announcements, as per usual. Are we about to get the biggest MacBook Air redesign in history? Did Oculus (and VR generally) have a big holiday season? And does OpenSea helping folks get back their stolen NFTs point to the reality of decentralization in the N…
Dec. 27, 2021

Mon. 12/27 – Gibraltar To Become The Rock Of Crypto?

Gibraltar wants to add crypto to its stock exchange. The complicated truth about how successful Alexa has been as a product for Amazon. It was a big year for decentralized exchanges, but an even bigger one for centralized ones. And the story behind that SOS token drop that happened on Christmas Day.
Dec. 22, 2021

Wed. 12/22 – We Still Doing CES?

Some big names pull out of CES at the last minute. TikTok is now the most popular destination in all the Internet. Justin Kan’s new NFT platform got hacked before even launching. Why my beloved Arsenal is in trouble for offering tokens. And Elon Musk comes out swinging against Web3 and the Metavers…
Dec. 21, 2021

Tue. 12/21 - @Jack And The Tech (Cold) Civil War Over Web3

I do my best to give you all the angles on the cold tech civil war concerning Web3 that has been bubbling under the surface for a while now but burst out in the open overnight. Interesting raises in the crypto space and interesting data on investment in the space. An interesting CEO departure and a…
Nov. 24, 2021

(TWTR SPC) That Feeling When You Almost Buy The Constitution

The legendary analyst Benedict Evans @benedictevans comes on to discuss this essay about the state of the Metaverse right now. Then, several members of the ConstitutionDAO team come on to tell us the behind the scenes of all that historic event at Sotheby's all went down last week. Featuring: @sadl…
Nov. 19, 2021

Fri. 11/19 – ConstitutionDAO Lost The Auction For The Constitution.

ConstitutionDAO lost the auction for the Constitution. But it was really about the friends we made along the way, right? More Apple Car rumors. Xbox and PlayStation have harsh words for Activision Blizzard. Everyone wants in on crypto exchanges. And of course, the weekend longreads suggestions.
Nov. 18, 2021

Thu. 11/18 – So… Who Actually “Takes Delivery” Of The Constitution?

Paytm has a rough IPO. Nvidia has another in a long line of crushed earnings reports. Grammarly is an interesting raise. Twitter wants to take the pulse of the stock market. And if ConstitutionDAO wins its auction today, there are some practical questions to answer like, who actually goes and picks…
Nov. 16, 2021

Tue. 11/16 – The War Between The Furries And The NFTs

Twitter has followed through on its promise to decentralize and play nice with 3rd party developers. Will the Nvidia/ARM acquisition actually happen? Substack reaches a million subscribers. Apple defends buying Google Ads. And I get my answer about the whole civil war between Crypto and NFT folks a…
Nov. 11, 2021

Thu. 11/11 – Do Gamers Not Like Crypto?

Discord floats the idea of incorporating crypto, but backs down after a vicious backlash. Apple wants to manage IT for small and medium businesses. YouTube is starting to hide the dislike option. Disney+ growth is suddenly anemic. And say hello to an NFT band. Like, literally, a Bored Ape Band.
Oct. 27, 2021

Wed. 10/27 – Is Robinhood The Company Doge Made?

Microsoft and Google continued to report earnings that boggle the mind. Meanwhile, Robinhood discovered that if you live by crypto trading revenues, you can be wounded by them too. Will the Facebook Files force some sort of FTC action? AWS goes after Google’s tensor processing units. And do you thi…
Oct. 15, 2021

Fri. 10/15 – Will The SEC Allow You To Trade The (Bitcoin) Future?

The SEC is poised to let the first Bitcoin futures ETFs trade a soon as next week. Google finally does away with pagination on the mobile web. Why are Waymo autonomous taxis all piling up on one dead end street in San Francisco? And of course, the weekend longreads suggestions.
Oct. 1, 2021

Fri. 10/01 – TikTok And NFTs, Two Great Tastes That Taste Great Together

TikTok has joined the NFT craze, so the singularity must be nigh. USB-C tries to clear up its customer confusion problem. Zoom abandons a huge acquisition. And a crypto developer is begging users to give $90 million dollars in tokens back, after an all-time screw up. Lin…