Twitter Episodes

Twitter news and rumors, including new product developments and Twitter Blue.
March 15, 2022

Tue. 03/15 – Rebuilding The Cable Bundle, Example #937

Layoffs at Arm signal the IPO is nigh. Microsoft has brought that fast loading games technology from Xbox to Windows. Twitter heard you were made and has backed down. Crypto dodges another bullet in the EU. And some solid, tangible numbers to prove that streaming has taken over Hollywood.
March 14, 2022

Mon. 03/14 – Foxconn Shutting Factories Cause Of Covid. Again.

Well, what can I tell you. Foxconn is shutting factories in China again cause of the new Omicron outbreak there. Will Apple only give new chips it its pro phones going forward? Why people are mad at Twitter now. How people actually watch Netflix. And… checks notes... A robot goat.
Feb. 7, 2022

Mon 02/07 – Rogangate And The ENS DAO Controversy

Rogangate rolls on. Why a controversy in the Ethereum Name Service community might be even more interesting, because of what it might teach us about the viability of DAOs. Twitter is, oddly, testing ways to make it easier for folks to DM you. And rumors of a new entry level MacBook Pro.
Dec. 1, 2021

Wed. 12/01 – Twitter Bans “Private” Sharing

Twitter bans “private” sharing, but there’s some confusion about what that actually means. A big executive departure throws more doubt on Meta’s crypto ambitions. There’s a new Snapdragon flagship chip and I’ve got the specs. And we get some raw data to answer the question: are foldable phones actu…
Nov. 29, 2021

Mon. 11/29 – Jack Dorsey To Leave Twitter?

Jack Dorsey is reportedly about to be a one company CEO if he steps down from Twitter. The acquisition of Giphy is on life support. Folks remember Microsoft could be an antitrust target too. Will Apple’s AR headset not need to be tethered to an iPhone? And a look at just how much Amazon has increas…
Nov. 4, 2021

Thu. 11/04 – Instagram Can Post To Twitter Again

Instagram is playing nice with Twitter all of the sudden. But Meta has some new creator tools that try once again to shiv the App Stores. That South Korean law is actively cracking open the App Stores in that country. Google might be back in the defense contract business. And why it MIGHT be worth …
Oct. 12, 2021

Tue 10/12 – Twitter Lets Your Do Your Own Shadow Banning

Twitter lets you remove followers without having to block them. Magic Leap is back with a fresh $500 million dollars. Canva gets into video while 1Password wants to make it easier to share your password. Microsoft and Nvidia claim to have trained the largest AI language model yet. And when it comes…
Sept. 11, 2021

(TWTR SPC) An Interview With @kayvz, Who Is Leading The Twitter Product Revolution

Chris and I thought we had not guests lined up this week so we were going to just potpourri some topics. But then Keyvon Beykpour, who is heading the Twitter project revolution came on and talked to us longer than we had any right to ask for. It was a great conversation.
July 22, 2021

Thu. 07/22 – Downvote This Tweet

Twitter is testing downvotes. Tumblr gets into the subscription game. Google unveils a unified backup service for Android. Is HBO Max leading the pack of followers in the musical chairs streaming wars contest? The FTC is getting serious about right to repair. And let me introduce you to the Airbnb …
July 17, 2021

(TWTR SPC) Black Widow Math And Fleets Fade Away

Bloomberg's @Lucas_Shaw comes on to explain the math of that Black Widow stream release story from Monday. Then @alexeheath from the Verge explains the death of Fleets, the creator thirst at Facebook and then we all get into the questioning the real value/process of Twitter verification.
July 13, 2021

Tue. 07/13 – Bribe Or Bot Your Way To Twitter Verification?

If Twitter verification is now run by humans, how did so many obvious bot accounts get verified? Why you might start seeing brand logos in your emails, and why that’s actually a good thing. Biden's non-compete clause executive order is a big deal for Big Tech. And a look at the absurdity of the rig…
June 3, 2021

Thu. 06/03 – Twitter Launches Twitter Blue!

Twitter takes the wrapping off its subscription product, Twitter Blue. Multi-device support hints at a future WhatsApp app for iPads. Stack Overflow is the latest part of the developer ecosystem to sell for big bucks. And taking the temperature of Google’s Ethical AI team.
May 8, 2021

(TWTR SPC) Tip Jar, Basecamp And Doge

We talk about the Tip Jar and all the other big changes Twitter has been making. We get into the Basecamp brouhaha and also why I didn’t end up covering it this week. We talk about Dogecoin with someone who was there at the beginning of the project. And we even have an actual newsmaker on the show.…
Guest: Tony Haile
May 7, 2021

Fri. 05/07 – Twitter Introduces Tip Jar

Twitter introduces a tip jar, literally called Tip Jar. Why crypto trading juicing Square’s earnings is worth thinking about. What is the mysterious social space Netflix is surveying users about building? Yes, Substack is letting writers build magazines and newsrooms, so stop pointing out the obvio…
Feb. 26, 2021

Fri. 02/26 – Twitter Does ALL The Things (Even $$$ For Tweets)

Twitter just wants to give us everything all of the sudden, including charging for tweets, sort of groups based on interests, and even blocking and muting accounts. Google gives devs a Sleep API. Why has LastPass decided to piss everyone off all of the sudden? Why Xiaomi is the up-and-comer to keep…